I have created a clean heart within you. The virtues of My Spirit are being born in you. As righteousness covers your heart as a breastplate, it creates greater strength and boldness. The time has come for you to praise Me with all of your heart, for My overcomers are arising and will not be defeated. Praise Me for the impossibility that I am changing into victory. My Armies are set in place, so begin to praise Me with all of your heart! I want you to focus on maintaining a thankful heart.
For every negative thing that comes against you, find something good to fill your thoughts. Put praise on your lips and remember the many ways I've blessed you. A grateful heart is one that remains in harmony with the ways of my Spirit.
Thankfulness and praise not only clear away the cobwebs of anxiety and depression; they also make it almost impossible to focus on the negative. Thankfulness washes your heart and makes you feel lighter, because it connects you with the power of My unchanging truth. This is my desire for you today - for the power of gratitude to set you free from heaviness.
And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.
Colossians 3:15